March 31, 2024

KAIN 2024: Your Best In-Market Audiences Will Vanish By Year’s End. Are You Ready?

In this timely session, we explore the significant changes in digital marketing due to the end of third-party cookies by year's end. We'll highlight the challenges and reveal advanced strategies to excel in a cookieless environment.

KAIN 2024: Your Best In-Market Audiences Will Vanish By Year’s End. Are You Ready?

#KAIN2024 - Lexington, KY
April 9-11, 2024

Your Best In-Market Audiences Will Vanish By Year’s End. Are You Ready?
Strategies To Dominate In A Cookieless World.

Steve White

Wednesday, April 10, 2024: 9:40 AM - 10:25 AM EST

In this timely session, we explore the significant changes in digital marketing due to the end of third-party cookies by year's end. We'll highlight the challenges and reveal advanced strategies to excel in a cookieless environment. As browsers eliminate third-party cookies, marketers must rethink targeting and retargeting methods. This session provides practical insights and new strategies to keep your marketing effective and your audiences engaged without third-party cookies.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understanding the Impact: Gain a deep understanding of how the elimination of third-party cookies will affect targeting and retargeting practices, and what it means for your in-market audiences.
  2. Alternative Targeting Strategies: Learn about emerging alternatives to third-party cookies, including first-party data collection and privacy-compliant technologies that are redefining audience engagement.
  3. Real-World Case Studies: Learn from real-world examples of dealerships that have successfully navigated the transition to cookieless marketing, gleaning insights into practical strategies that can be applied to your own campaigns.